Exfoliation may be the go-to treatment for every person that desires to have a stunning complexion but did you know that it could also help you attain healthy, gorgeous-looking hair?
While it is easy to discard what is not visible to the naked eye, your scalp can greatly benefit from scalp exfoliation. Failing to do so has some pretty dire consequences such as dull-looking hair, clogged-up follicles and itchy skin. Exfoliating your scalp on a consistent basis can help you attain hair that is thicker, less oily and most of all, healthy.
There are plenty of benefits to exfoliating your scalp and we will discuss those below:
Why Does Exfoliation Matter?
Exfoliation is a crucial treatment that your scalp should have in order to keep it and your hair in tip-top condition. This treatment helps eradicate the buildup of dirt and chemicals on your scalp, thereby letting natural oils keep your hair healthy. Your natural sebum plays a critical role in keeping your scalp from getting dry and letting oils to nourish your hair’s ends.
However, an overproduction of sebum on your scalp does not bode well for your scalp as it feeds the Malassezia furfur yeast, which leads to dandruff.
Scalp exfoliation is, therefore, key in maintaining that delicate balance. Having an exfoliation treatment once or twice a week can help prevent these flare-ups as it can remove the flakes and restore the normal skin cell turnover rate back to a normal level.
Having an oily scalp can also result in a flare-up of seborrheic dermatitis — a chronic skin issue signified by red patches that are itchy and dandruff flakes.
Having an Oily Scalp Can Also Lead to Hair Thinning
As time passes, dandruff and sebum can gather and congest your hair follicles. This can then result in hair thinning and hair loss. Normally, a hair follicle has two or more hairs that are growing from it. However, when this is clogged, the hair follicle shrinks and the number of hairs that are growing from it lessened. You can help clear away these clog-ups by having a scalp exfoliation treatment that can aid in hair growth, resulting in healthier and a fuller head of hair.
All told, scalp exfoliation is a calming and soothing treatment that can offer you total relaxation while also reinvigorating your scalp. Exfoliation is actually very beneficial for nearly anyone especially those that are suffering from:
• dandruff
• dry skin
• oily hair
Having an oily scalp can also result in a flare-up of seborrheic dermatitis — a chronic skin issue signified by red patches that are itchy and dandruff flakes.
Scalp exfoliation is, therefore, key in maintaining that delicate balance. Having an exfoliation treatment once or twice a week can help prevent these flare-ups as it can remove the flakes and restore the normal skin cell turnover rate back to a normal level.
Uncover the root cause of your hair loss and regain your confidence in as soon as 90 days.
Book your appointment right away or get in touch with us for more information about any of our customized hair loss treatments.