Hair loss affects both men and women, and it happens every day. We lose a few strands of hair a day, but the body replaces them with new hair growth, so it is not something that should worry you. If you feel you are losing hair at a more alarming rate than the usual amount, then you may be suffering from hair loss, and it is typical to feel worried and stressed about it.
Because our hair is an essential part of our looks, experiencing hair loss can take a toll on our self-esteem. It can affect our confidence, and sometimes, can trigger depression, which may block the recovery of your hair. As much as we want to keep it, the condition of our hair can tell the state of our internal health. But it is also possible to be unaware of what causes hair loss
Androgenic Alopecia is a typical kind of hair loss that is usually present in both men and women. This genetic condition is also referred to as Male Pattern Baldness when it occurs in males includes a receding hairline, hair loss at the crown, or both. It is usually different in females Female Pattern Baldness since the hair becomes thinner all over the mid-frontal, with an extensive hair loss around the top area of the head, but the hairline does not recede. Female/ Male Pattern hair loss is the most common type of hair loss affecting men and women caused by genetic and hormonal factors.
Individuals predispose, the hair follicle will have a sensitivity DHT Dihydrotestosterone. Through a process will cause miniaturization of the follicle, blocking the follicle from getting enough nutrients: causing it to become thin and thinner, and the follicle eventually closes. Hair loss in Female Pattern Baldness doesn't result in total baldness as the Male pattern baldness.


Telogen Effluvium
Telogen effluvium or diffuse hair loss is a usual cause of temporary hair loss resulting from the early entry of hair in the telogen phase. It is due to emotional or physiological stress when the cause is corrected; the hair grows back. Telogen Effluvium can be acute or chronic, but most of the time is reversible.
Trichotillomania, as pathological hair pulling, is a psychological disorder.It started during the adolescent stage and may often disregard it as just a bad habit of some sort. Those that have this condition find it very challenging and will struggle to deal with it either continuously or intermittently all through adult life.

Traction Alopecia
It is a form of hair loss caused by pulling styling or tension place on the hair follicles.
This type of hair loss is preventable if you choose the proper styling and usually affected the hairline and temples of the scalp. Traumatic styling as braids, weave, tight ponytails may cause bumps of inflammation, Traction Folliculitis that can lead to permanent hair loss if not treated.
Alopecia Areata
Alopecia areata is one of the most common cause of patchy hair loss and the most unpredictable. This type of hair loss occurs when your immune system mistakenly attacks hair follicles which is where hair growth begins. Alopecia areata affects children and adults but it is most common in people younger than 20, and the damage is usually not permanent. It’s usually begin when clumps of hair fall out in a localized patchy area, resulting in total smooth, round hair loss on the scalp . The hair loss often come and goes and treatment is available to speed the growth process.

Scarring Alopecia
This condition is often caused by inflammation that destroys the hair follicles, which can lead to irreversible hair loss. The cause of scaling Alopecia is not fully understood yet, but some possible culprits may contribute to it: genetics, chemical relaxers, and hairstyling practice. Typical symptoms include Burning sensation of the scalp, itchy scalp, crusting, patches of scaly and rough skin on the scalp, pus or discharge from the scalp, and blister.
Seborrheic Dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory scalp condition related to the sebaceous gland. An overproduction of sebum and yeast (fungus) Malassezia leads to dandruff showing signs of red patches yellow greasy flake.
Psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder with patches of dry/silver scaling on the scalp and other parts of the body. This scaling fluctuates, easily bleed if scratches. Sometimes, when the scale removed, the hair comes with it but usually grows back.